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Three Reasons Why E-Cigarettes are Better than Smoking

Posted by on January 29, 2013 . 0 Comments.

Many smokers are now considering switching to an e cigarette. There is a lot of hype about these products, and more and more people are getting interested. If you are sitting on the fence, consider these three reasons why they are better than smoking.

What Cigarettes Contain

Cigarettes contain many harmful substances besides nicotine.

  • Acetone (used in nail polish remover)
  • Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)
  • Ammonia (included to make you absorb nicotine faster)
  • Toluene (used in paint thinner)

These are just the most commonly known ingredients of cigarettes. There are actually over 4,000 chemicals in cigarettes, including 44 poisons, 43 of which are proven to cause cancer. E cigarette cartridges do not contain all of these chemicals and poisons, but delivers the nicotine you crave.

Health Benefits

When you stop smoking and buy electronic cigarette, you enjoy many health benefits. You will no longer be inhaling tar from the tobacco, which can make your lungs infinitely healthier. You will also be avoiding all of those added chemicals, which can cause cancer. In short, you will be lengthening your life span. Nicotine by itself can cause high blood pressure, but it does little other damage to your body.

Lifestyle Benefits

An e cigarette does not smell. It does not stink up your clothes or home. They are also allowed in public in most municipalities where smokers are banned to the outdoors. You will discover by reading an e cigarette review that they are much cheaper to maintain than buying cigarettes. This can free up a lot of money in your budget, allowing you pleasures and lifestyle changes that you would otherwise be unable to afford.

For more information about the benefits of switching to an e cigarette you can look at some electronic cigarette reviews that are detailed about the inner workings of these amazing products. By the time you are finished researching you will undoubtedly be convinced to make the switch to electronic cigarettes. You can also learn more and stay up to date on e cigarette news, accessories and vaping products by visiting regularly.

Last update: January 30, 2014


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